Promotional and Educational Video Materials of IPP FBiH

In accordance with the Procurement Plan and the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance, and development of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IPP FBiH) for 2024, the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs has carried out a public procurement procedure for the services of presenting and promoting the effects and importance of IPP FBiH.

The main goal of this activity was to create promotional and educational-informative materials to bring IPP FBiH closer to end users. The focus was on increasing the understanding of the functionalities and importance of IPP, whether for citizens or entities using IPP FBiH applications for entering and exchanging spatial data.

As part of this initiative, one promotional video and four educational video clips were created, which provide detailed explanations of data entry into registers, metadata catalog, data sharing processes, and spatial data harmonization in accordance with the INSPIRE directive. Additionally, five short video clips in Reels format were created, creatively and engagingly communicating key aspects of IPP FBiH.

All video materials are available on the IPP FBiH website and YouTube channel, where they will serve as a valuable resource for education and promotion at future events.

Visit our YouTube channel and watch the videos to learn more about the significance and benefits of IPP FBiH!

Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs

Working hours: 08:00 - 16:00
Contact phone: 033/712-616

Hamdije Kreševljaković br.96

Sarajevo 71000