SDI Participants

Participants in SDI (SDI stakeholders and users) can be defined as all those who are in some way involved in the establishment, maintenance, and development of SDI, from users, producers to providers of additional services related to spatial data. The educational sector also plays a significant role in disseminating and improving knowledge, as well as in educating young professionals. Data providers are all those who collect and provide spatial data for public use. Data providers describe the data (type of data, data owner or responsible person, data access conditions, etc.) and publish them on the appropriate public portal. Then, they harmonize the data with accepted standards and establish mechanisms (services) for sharing them with users.
The successful implementation of all other SDI components depends on the knowledge and skills of all participants involved in building SDI, which is why it is important to pay special attention to the development of human capacities and fostering collaboration.
SDI stakeholders
According to the Law on Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI Law), SDI stakeholders in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) are:
– Authorities and organizations of federal administration
– Authorities and organizations of cantonal administration
– Local self-government bodies
– Public enterprises
– Legal entities entrusted with the management of spatial data
– Legal entities that use data and services covered by SDI FBiH and provide public services based on these spatial data within their jurisdiction or scope of work, and are obligated under the Law to participate in the establishment, maintenance, and development of SDI FBiH.
Additionally, any legal entity can become an SDI stakeholder if it meets the conditions established by the SDI Law, after the SDI FBiH Council makes an appropriate decision upon the proposal of the SDI FBiH Coordination Body.
Spatial data users include: public administration bodies, the economy, citizens, the academic community, and institutions of the European Union. They search numerous portals and websites to find suitable spatial data and services for their needs.