SDI Council

The Law on SDI FBiH establishes that the bodies of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) FBiH are: the SDI FBiH Council and the SDI FBiH Working Groups.
The Council is the highest governing body of the institutional framework of SDI FBiH. The basic tasks of the SDI FBiH Council include:
- Decision-making on goals, strategies, policies, and significant activities within the institutional framework of SDI FBiH,
- Harmonizing SDI FBiH activities with state policies and programs (both ways, e.g., e-Government),
- Coordinating the plan and use of budgetary funds allocated for the establishment and implementation of SDI FBiH, and
- Ensuring strong political support for the overall development process of SDI FBiH.
The SDI FBiH Council consists of eleven members, one of whom is the President of the SDI FBiH Council, appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The President and members of the SDI FBiH Council are appointed for a period of five years. The head of the Coordination Body is appointed as the President of the SDI FBiH Council.
The current composition of the SDI FBiH Council appointed by the Government of FBiH includes:
- Željko Obradović, Chairman and representative of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property-Legal Affairs,
- Goran Lulić, representative of the Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning,
- Mehmed Cero, representative of the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism,
- Renato Škrobo, representative of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications,
- Bešćo Alibegović, representative of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management, and Forestry,
- Asim Pandžić, representative of the Federal Ministry of Finance,
- Damir Šapina, representative of the Federal Ministry of Justice,
- Mirsad Hajdarević, representative of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs,
- Rifet Mezić, representative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science,
- Marinko Bošnjak, representative of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry,
- Belmira Hadžiabdić, representative of the Federal Institute of Statistics.