Forty-fourth session of the SDI Council of FBiH held
Forty-fourth session of the SDI Council of FBiH held
On December 18, 2024, the forty-fourth session of the SDI FBiH Council was held in the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs. The session was attended by members of the Council in accordance with the Decision of the Government of the Federation of BiH.
The following agenda was discussed at the Council session:
- Approval of the agenda for the 44th session of the SDI Council of FBiH;
- Adoption of the minutes from the previous 43rd session of the SDI Council of FBiH;
- Adoption of the Decision related to the definition and detailed description of Spatial Data themes of SDI Federation BiH;
- Information on the development of promotional and educational video materials of SDI FBiH;
- Information on draft of the Framework Study for spatial data licensing of SDI FBiH;
- Information on draft of the Communication Plan;
- Information on the appointment of new members of the Working Group for Technical Standards and the proposal for a Decision on amending and supplementing the decision;
- Adoption of the Report on the establishment, maintenance and development of SDI FBiH for the Year 2024;
- Information on the status of the Regulation on the content and holders of the unified information system, the methodology of data collection and processing, and the unique forms on which records are kept;
- Other.
At the 44th session, the Council approved the Decision on establishing the definitions and detailed description of spatial data themes of the SDI of Federation BiH, i.e. the implementation rule related to the application of spatial data themes in the territory of the Federation of BiH.
The SDI FBiH Council regularly monitored the implementation of planned activities, carried out a comprehensive assessment of the implementation on an annual basis and proposed possible changes and additions to the annual work plan. The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Legal Affairs, as the Coordinating Body of the SDI FBiH, prepared and submitted the Work Report for the Year 2024 to the members of the Council for consideration. At the 44th session, the proposed Report was adopted for submission to the Government of the Federation of BiH for acceptance.