Forty-first session of the SDI Council of FBiH held


On May 21, 2024, the forty-first session of the SDI Council of FBiH was held at the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs.

The following agenda items were discussed at the Council meeting:

  1. Approval of the agenda for the 41st session of the SDI Council of FBiH;
  2. Adoption of the minutes from the previous 40th session of the SDI Council of FBiH;
  3. Information about and introduction of a new member of the SDI Council of FBiH;
  4. Information on the implementation of the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance, and development of the SDI of FBiH for Year 2024;
  5. Information on the status of activities of the working groups since the previous session;
  6. Information on the implementation of the SDI component of the DELEF project;
  7. Information on the planned revision of the EU INSPIRE Directive;
  8. Information on the approval for the implementation of a new World Bank project in FBiH;
  9. Other.

As the Coordination Body of the SDI of FBiH, the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs prepared information for Council members regarding the implementation of the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance, and development of the SDI of FBiH for 2024. In accordance with the SDI Strategy for the period 2023-2027 and the Action plan for 2024, activities related to increasing the number of entities and available resources continued to improve the level of availability and interoperability of spatial data. Efforts also continued on the development of a formal framework that will be the subject of future actions in the area of the SDI of FBiH. Additionally, in the coming period, there will be a focus on promoting the importance of the SDI through the development and implementation of a communication plan.

The 40th Session of SDI FBiH Council

održana 40. sjednica vijeća infrastrukture prostornih podataka federacije bih

The forty-fourth session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs on February 13, 2024.

At the session, the Council have discussed:

  1. Determining the Agenda of the 40th session of the SDI FBiH Council;
  2. Approval of the Minutes from the previous 39th session of the SDI FBiH Council;
  3. Information on the adoption of the Report on the establishment, maintenance and development of the FBiH IPP for 2023;
  4. Information and proposal of the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance and development of IPP FBiH for the Year 2024;
  5. Information on the tentative schedule of the IPP FBiH Council Sessions for 2024;
  6. Information on the appointment of a new/substitute member of the IPP FBiH Council;
  7. Other.

The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Legal Affairs, as the Coordinating body of the SDI FBiH, prepared and submitted to the members of the Council the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance and development of the FBiH IPP for the Year 2024 for consideration and final adoption. The proposed Work Plan, which includes the Education Plan for 2024, was unanimously adopted by the IPP Council.

In accordance with the SDI Strategy for the period 2023-2027 and the Action plan for 2024, activities will continue in terms of increasing the number of stakeholders and available sources in order to raise the level of availability and interoperability of spatial data. Continuous work will be carried out on the implementation of the Law on SDI and other regulations, as well as the creation of a formal framework that will be the subject of future activities in the field of IPP FBiH. The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Legal Affairs will also support the preparation of the Study of the Framework Proposal for Spatial Data Licensing. Also, during the next period, the focus will be on improving existing technological frameworks, enhancing the development of network services based on existing spatial data sets, and promoting the importance of IPP through the creation and implementation of a communication plan. During 2024, it was planned at least 4 sessions to accompany these activities.

Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs

Working hours: 08:00 - 16:00
Contact phone: 033/712-616

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Sarajevo 71000