Framework Study for Spatial Data Licensing - Survey Data Collection

Dear colleagues and representatives of SDI FBiH entities and other interested parties,

The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs, as the coordinating body of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (in accordance with the Law on Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of FBiH no. 55/21), as part of the implementation of the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance, and development of SDI FBiH for the year 2024, is carrying out the activity of developing a framework study for spatial data licensing. The aim of this Study is to explore the possibilities and prerequisites for establishing a comprehensive and transparent licensing framework for spatial data within the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This framework will align with the EU INSPIRE Directive, ensuring interoperability and compliance with European standards, while simultaneously addressing the specific needs and challenges of FBiH. The primary purpose of the Study is to support easier exchange, reuse, and sharing of spatial data between different institutions, organizations, and individuals in FBiH. By defining clear rules and conditions for data usage, the intention is to reduce legal uncertainty and facilitate access to valuable information crucial for decision-making in various sectors, such as spatial planning, environmental management, economic development, and public administration.

A public procurement for service provision was previously conducted, and a service provider was selected. Gauss d.o.o. Tuzla, with an appropriate expert team, will, in cooperation with the coordinating body and other SDI FBiH entities, carry out the study.

In line with the methodology for drafting the Study, it is planned to collect information from SDI entities and other interested parties about current practices, needs, and challenges they face regarding spatial data licensing. Spatial data and service licensing entails clearly defining terms of use and potential restrictions.

The questionnaire will be available online from 11.10. to 31.10.2024, and can be easily accessed via the URL:

We kindly ask the SDI FBiH entities for their cooperation in completing the questionnaire, which will not take much time and is easy to fill out.

Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs

Working hours: 08:00 - 16:00
Contact phone: 033/712-616

Hamdije Kreševljaković br.96

Sarajevo 71000